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Organisations for lesbian lifestyles. Advice bureaus and youth groups

to the organisations


It does what it says on the tin: magazines and information from women for women

to the magazine

coming out

How will my parents react, how can I tell people at school? Everything about coming out.

to coming out

fun stuff

All kinds of things, from jokes about men to gossip, art and much, much more...

to the fun stuff


Other pages and lesbian institutions also have chat rooms which are well worth visiting. Take a look!

to the chat rooms

user pages

Our users homepages and all the potential visitors - a colourful group!

to the user pages


Where can I meet people like me in my area? Find the answer here!

to regions


Books, t-shirts, toys, gay pride, CDs and videos: the whole lot's here!

to the shops


Women's research, lesbian research, science and much more...

to science and research


Exactly what the title promises: the world of lesbian literature...

to the authors


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