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poems » details

put away

von Viktualia

just another mo i waste
so it´s time now
you´re here and i put these lies away
nothing more to do
than to put these lies away
remembering her tongue
not like you so sweet
perfect in your way
fire on ice
you´re so hot
gotta run but there´s no way
damned to exist
dirty mirrors everywhere on the walls
this dirt is still
and i´m still dirt
you´re what i´ve looked for
is it worth it or is it one more
lie on tv and on radio
think it´s true
and after all you´re still caught
in my thoughts and i won´t set you
free and i won´t let you
go back to your own reality
now i put these lies away

copyright © by Viktualia. By publishing this on lesarion the author assures that this is her own work.

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