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poems » details

Your breasts

von jucami

Your breasts are big enough to nourish your newborn.
They are small enough to fit under your skin.

They are there to show the beauty of your soul.
They are there to show the softness of your mind.
They are there to show the strength of your back.

Their nipples are their eyes.
They can look forward to see your goals.
They can look downstairs to see your obstacles.
And when you lay down, they can see the choices you made.

They are a sacred gift
given from one woman to another.
They will be there
to keep you balanced
In the waves of your life.
And all of the time
they only belong to you.

copyright © by jucami. By publishing this on lesarion the author assures that this is her own work.


*clap clap clap*
LRMpsm - 15.06.2020 17:46

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