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poems » details

The Thing

von littleSphinx

The Thing is
you don't know.
And I don't, either.

Would you miss it all
if I told you to leave
live without it
if I took away
your responsebility?

The Thing is
you would.
And I would, too.

Would you choose
to be happy
if I told you to finally
make a choice?

The Thing is
you wouldn't.
And I know you won't.

Would you be happy
without me
at least you had someone
at all
if I left?

The Thing is
you wouldn't.
And I know that, too.

The Thing is
we both cannot

You can't pick.
And I can't leave.

copyright © by littleSphinx. By publishing this on lesarion the author assures that this is her own work.

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