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love stories » details

It was just a bit of luck

von jgutsc

It was just a bit of luck This is the story of Kristl, who enjoyed spending her time visiting lesarion’s extensive site, and Jessie, whose profile she found.

It all started with a visit to the visitor’s page on Jessie’s profile.

It was 5th May 2006, which coincidentally was also the day Sigmund Freud would have celebrated his 150th birthday and shortly before Europe Day.
Kristl had had a lot of Freudian date experiences through lesarion in the past. From a midwife, who loved to philosophise about Goethe, a drug addicted psychologist and a cold-hearted truck driver, to a lovely lady who stood her up on a tortilla dinner date. It was time for a new adventure…
Jessie’s unlucky experiences in affairs of the heart meant she was also in need of a fresh start, one she was about to get!
Jessie discovered Kristl’s profile smiling at her from across the ether and found 220cm tall bald woman with grey hair.
This silliness inspired J. with a new thirst for action however. Sadly, it didn’t also come with the right words. This made the linguistic strawberry kiss (a cocktail) that was Kristl’s answer even more exhilarating.
But they weren’t the only mails they exchanged and Jessie got a chance to show just how eloquent she could be, before they started chatting and telephoning.
There was a slight problem at first, as Kristl wasn’t too familiar with the nuances of ICQ, and the phone number mysteriously went astray three times before Jessie received it. But they managed to get in touch and spoke for an hour. And again the following evening, and the next and the next… They clicked during the second conversation and by the third they had arranged a date. A date that had to be arranged across a distance of 500km.
A couple of weeks later, Jessie set off for the Baltic coast – it was a virtual flirtation that was about to become a reality.
In the first moment, both felt the same relief. The weekend could begin, and it didn’t stop there… They started with a cocktail that didn’t go to plan (there was no mixer in the drinks) and resulted in hysteria. What was shaping up to be a pretty unspectacular night was meant to turn into a walk along the beach, but both feared falling into the water. Instead it turned into a sizzling picnic of cashew nuts, beer and candles. Afterwards they decided to take a walk after all, before a romantic carriage ride to a nearby lighthouse. They scrambled to their goal. Blue skies, waves and a sand fight later they had started getting closer. Jessie lay in Kristl’s arms and waited for the first move. Just as any other women would have, including Kristl. But tiny step by tiny step, Kristl managed to pluck up the courage to move in for a kiss.
And here we are, nearly nine months later in the middle of a long-distance relationship and ecstatic when we can spend a week here and there with each other.

All the best, ex-offico und jgutsc

copyright © by jgutsc. By publishing this on lesarion the author assures that this is her own work.

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