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I cried today.

von schokomo

I cried today.
I cried today for the first time since i broke up with her.
I know I\'ll be strong enough to bring it out tomarrow,
when I meet her to EXCHANGE our properties.
But I still feel the pain.
I want to be angry of her,
but instead I\'m angry of myself.
I\'m angry because I\'m not there where I want to be.
I\'m angry and honesty I don\'t even know why.
I feel how hard it is for my tears to fall.
They\'re heavy like iron
, like lead.
Like the lead poisoning me in my blood
,in my lungs
, in my heart.
I don\'t want her anymore.
But I can\'t just forget her.


copyright © by schokomo. By publishing this on lesarion the author assures that this is her own work.

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