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Message center

Receiving messages

You'll be notified when you receive internal messages by an e-mail (you can disable this feature in the settings of your admin area).
You can call up your messages in the message centre.

Sending messages

All lesarion users can send internal messages. To send a message to another user go to the user's profile and select the 'message' from the actions centre. A form opens where you can enter your message.

Creating and deleting folders

You can create more files in the message centre. To delete a folder click the link -folder settings- in the message centre. You can edit and delete folders here. To return to the overview, click -folder overview-.

Moving, saving and marking messages as read

You can move selected messages between folders, save them or mark them as read in the message overview. Just select the corresponding action in the lower section of the message overview.

Deleting messages

You can delete selected messages in the message overview. An automatic deletion routine removes the unsaved messages in the inbox after 14 days (with premium account after 90 days) automatically.

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