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Lesarion is 100% CO2 neutral!

LESARION contributes to the environment in one of Europe's most eco-friendly data centers.

The data center operates exclusively on green electricity sourced from renewable energy sources such as hydro or wind power. Fossil fuels are not used, ensuring that the data center operates completely carbon-neutral. This is confirmed by a third-party accredited certification in accordance with ISO 14001:2015.

Our data center utilize advanced indirect adiabatic cooling technology that uses outside air to efficiently cool the interior without directly mixing the air streams. This method significantly contributes to energy savings and helps us achieve a very low PUE value of 1.15.

PUE value information:

The PUE value is determined by dividing the entire energy requirements of a computer centre by the IT energy requirements (server, storage, network equipment etc.) So, a PUE of 1.0 would mean that the entire energy required by the computer centre would be exclusively available to the IT. A value of 1.15 means that in our computer centre, just 15 per cent of the energy required for IT is also needed to run the computer centre.

A study by the German eco association reviewing efficient computer centres in Germany found that, on average, 57 per cent additional energy was required in German computer centres (PUE 1.57) - though compared to international levels, even that's good!

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