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groups » love/erotic/relationship


Curvy Ladies - (4)

Liebe deine Kurven, sie sind ein Teil deiner Persönlichkeit.
founded by Rayys on 04.07.2021 22:04
Egypt lesbian - (2)

هنتعرف و نتكلم و نعمل علاقات حلوه سوا
founded by chettos575 on 18.04.2017 18:02

for people in or near the tampa area
founded by Ghostsinthere on 29.07.2015 20:15

Group for english speaking people
founded by bluelove25 on 19.05.2015 01:20
Lesbian_Soldiers_in_germany - (37)

It´s for everybody. Mainly the Soldier Lesbians who been stationed out here for a while..
founded by I_am_a_Marine on 30.06.2013 22:59
Team USA Girls - (143)

Enough said =] Arent we all here to find someone close to home? Why not start i this form
founded by Jhergh on 27.09.2011 19:30

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