cityguide » Löwengrube NeuLöwengrube NeuWe need your help to keep the entry up to date!
how does it work? Look at the website on which the entry was made, on Facebook or Google Maps and compare the suggested changes. If everything is OK then agree and accept the change, if there is an error reject it. As soon as enough users have agreed to the change it will immediately be put online. !!! Neueröffnung der Löwengrube !!! täglich außer Sonn- u. Feiertags geöffnet ab 18 Uhr Eintritt ab 18 Jahre Ja eine Raucherkneipe :) mit guter Musik und sau geiler Stimmung Special CSD Party am 29 August 2009 kommt vorbei es lohnt sich address: Löwenstr 31 44135 Dortmund Is the entry out of date? suggest change
posted by: ladykillerjazz