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poems » details

I´ll Wait...

von Aria30

I´ll wait, wanting to let you in ...
I´ll wait on a raining day, frozen in the dark on empty streets.
Waiting for you to notice me or just smile to me ...
waiting for you to bring light to my darkness.

I wish for you to find your way through my heart and my life

I´ll wait, to the moment you decide to let me in!

copyright © by Aria30. By publishing this on lesarion the author assures that this is her own work.

vivalavita: Tanz in dem Mai - 2 Floors - Quater 1 - Köln - Dj Abrissbarbie - Ginag - Djane.S.Iam - Alakhil - Dj-peg - Sax - Percussion -      +++     >>> Get a ticker message for just 5,95€ for 3 days <<<